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Teens Drug Abuse

I have seen so many lives wasted from the abuse of drugs that it breaks my heart to see so many young people use drugs. I have not only tried drugs I have seen so many people that I have known destroyed their lives because of drug addiction. I did not take most dangerous drugs that were available when I was young. I took enough one time, after I left home, to leave me almost paralyzed for weeks, so that I learned just how much drugs could take away from my life. I thought that doing drugs was cool so I was taking pills, and I never really knew what I was taking besides speed. I could have died or overdosed just because I never thought about what was in these pills that I was taking. 
I have seen so much death and waste of life by people that I cared about. I still do not know to this day what damage I did taking drugs. I have watched so many friends and their kids be come completely dependent on the drug known as crack. So many young people think that taking drugs are cool. I am here to tell young people that the use of any drug just takes away not only your independence but as time goes on the need for drugs increases. Addiction is the most costly part of taking any drug that should not be taken.
I have watched so many young people I know get so addicted to crack that they would do anything just to get another taste. There are way to many down sides to letting any drug take over a person's life. I know you get where you constantly need the same drug and more every time that it is used. These drugs eat holes in your brain over years of use. Long term addiction destroys your ability to think clearly. These drugs not only leave physical scars, they stop the ability to learn long term. I have seen people that have taken drugs since they were young teenagers and their mental growth stopped the day the drug abuse started.
Drugs make people do things they would not do if they did not need a fix just to get through the day. Taking drugs makes that person a slave to their addiction. I have watched people steal to support their habit. I have watched drugs turn young girls into hookers and worse. I have watched girls I knew when they were young have babies that are addicted to crack. These young parents did not even care that they had a child all they wanted was their drugs. So many young children lose their mothers to drugs. I have watched three generations of the same family addicted to drugs.
Drugs become so important in life that no one else will matter as long as people feel that high. Drugs will make some people kill just to get them. Once addicted, their is only one way out to get that is to either end up dead in some crack house or worse. Getting clean is the only answer. To stay clean and get a person's life back. Drugs may make a person's problems go away for a while but drugs also make a person prisoner to that need. Then there are also the legal trouble that comes with needing drugs. I have also seen so many people spend their whole day just shop lifting to support their habit.

Any addiction will take away a person's freedom because that need to have a drug becomes stronger the longer that drug is used. the long term use of drugs affects a person`s personality to the point that after some time nobody knows that person. Listen to me and learn no drug will take away your troubles - it will only make trouble worse in the long run. I can tell people that no drug abuse ever made life easier. I can not begin to tell people how much is lost with using any addictive drug. There is the loss of family and friends to the need to feed that addiction. Then there is the times in rehab when the pain is so bad that a person thinks they are going to come apart.
Most long term addicts end up dead somewhere - nobody even knows that person died. Think about the pain and loss that will come with the need to have some drug. Think about the pain and disgrace that happens to families that has a drug addict. I was one of the lucky ones most people that take drugs are not that lucky. The long term medical affects are costly to people that abuse drugs. The body`s organs suffer constant damage and aging by the use of drugs. Drugs never really stop the problem that started the addiction.
No drug is worth the long term damage that a drug addict suffers long term. I believe that a person should find another way to solve the problem nothing is worse to see then a person that is lost for life to their addiction. Do not let any person convince another person that drugs are the answer. Drugs will only make life pass by without the ability to think clearly. Drugs cheat people out of their right to a full life. Take back life before its to late to make a change after the damage that is done person`s mind and body are done. Life is hard enough to face and deal with as it is without clouding a person`s thoughts and mind with drugs. I have learned that no real life problem is as hard as getting clean. I can tell people about the real side of drug life there is no future for any person.
Any body that tells another person that taking drugs is partying this is nothing but a future full of hard times and loss of any normal life that a person hopes for. I have told people the basic truth about a life of drug use I hope that people will realize that no drug is the answer. Only by saying no can a person assure their future. I believe that by saying no to drugs will be the smartest decision that a person will ever make in their life.
To many people have been lost to these drugs already do not let another person make a person feel like they will not fit in. Believe me when it comes to drug abuse and the addiction this life will bring a person does not want to fit in. It is better not to be part of this crowd because there is really no happy ending when a person gives away the right to think with a drug free mind so just say no to any drugs.
I hope that this article will make people aware of the real truth about drugs and life. Because drugs abuse and life do not match.
As always I write with respect.
My name is Mike Carvell of the voice. I hope that this will be read by all publishers and that they agree with me that we need a voice for change. I believe that if we all work together we can change so many problems that face our country today.
I believe that if you put your column and respect on the line that we can all make this column a voice for all people, I mean all people. Tell me what you want changed, and I will keep this column honest, direct, and to the point with the commitment - you need to affect change.
Once again, I need your respect help and commitment to make this accomplishment possible. I not only believe in all Americans but the rights and respect of you all to make this commitment for which I will write with all honesty and respect and power that i can to prove this to you.
This is my column and only my column I will do all the writing with respect to all those of you who put your trust and commitment into this column now and in the future. I will be columns as many as i can on as many subjects that I can with respect for all my future work thank you mike carvell as always.

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