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5 Reasons Why abortion is bad for women’s health

There is growing evidence that shows that women who have abortions are at much higher risk to develop serious physical and emotional problems in the future...

Did you know that having an abortion carries serious health risks? I found over the years of following the news on abortion that the health risks of getting an abortion are cast aside.
Research shows that getting an abortion carries serious health complications.
You may wonder why the media and many health experts neglect to give this warning. Abortion clinics, which include Planned Parenthood, are in business to make a profit.
Therefore, it is not in their best interest to provide information that may make the patient think about alternatives to abortion, such as adoption.
Putting the moral argument aside, for now, there is growing evidence that shows that women who have abortions are at much higher risk to develop serious physical and emotional problems in the future.

1.Abortion breast cancer Link
A meta-analysis was conducted of Chinese females between induced abortion (IA) and breast cancer risk. The conclusion?
“IA is significantly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer among Chinese females, and the risk of breast cancer increases as the number of IA increases.
If IA were to be confirmed as a risk factor for breast cancer, high rates of IA in China may contribute to increasing breast cancer rates.”
In other words, the more abortions the women had, the higher their risk of breast cancer.
This could possibly explain the US rates of breast cancer. 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. An estimated 1 in 4 women will have an abortion by age 45.
Another study in 2009 was confirmed the abortion-breast cancer link.
The study by researchers including Jessica Dolle of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research contained a table reporting a statistically significant 40 percent risk increase for women who have had abortions.

2- Emotional/spiritual toll
Many women who have had abortions resort to drugs and alcohol and even try to take their own lives. In one study, 49% of post-abortive women abused drugs and 39% started using or increasing their alcohol intake.
About 14% admit that they have been addicted to drugs or alcohol. 60% suffered from suicidal tendencies and 28% in the study attempted suicide. Of those that attempted suicide, half continued attempted suicide two or more times.
Emotional and psychological effects following abortion are more common than physical side effects and can range from mild regret to more serious complications such as depression.
It is important to discuss these risks with a trained professional who can address your questions and concerns. The emotional side effects of having an abortion are just as real as physical side effects.
Women who have had abortions have a harder time connecting to their already-born children or their future children.

There is evidence that women can be violent against their own children as a result of having an abortion. One woman beat her 3-year-old to death after her abortion.

Another woman jumped off a bridge with her two children, aged 2 and 5, a week after her second abortion, apparently in order to punish herself (the mother and 5-year-old survived).

In both cases, experts concluded their behavior was in response to their abortions.
stop abortion now

3- Physical toll
Myth: Abortion is less risky than giving birth.
Fact: Abortion is much riskier than giving birth.
Possible side effects 2-4 weeks after an abortion according to American Pregnancy are abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and spotting and bleeding.
More serious complications from abortion include heavy or persistent bleeding, infection or sepsis, damage to the cervix, scarring of the uterine lining, perforation of the uterus, damage to other organs, and death – yes even death.
Approximately 3-5% of women who have had abortions suffer from sterility.
If a woman has an STI at the time of the abortion, her risk is even greater. If a woman contracts an infection from an abortion, her risk of an ectopic pregnancy is 4 times greater.
Cervical damage is another complication of abortion. Due to forced dilation of the cervix, the cervical muscles become microscopically torn nearly every time.
Sometimes the dilation results in the uterine wall being severely ripped. Because of the weakening of the cervix, a woman who has had an abortion is more likely to suffer from a miscarriage or premature birth in future pregnancies.

4- Placenta previa risk
There is an increased chance of having placenta previa in future pregnancies if a woman is post-abortive. Placenta previa is a serious problem during pregnancy where the placenta covers some or all of the opening to the cervix.

Tonya Reaves, Cree Erwin, Jennifer Morbelli, and Lakisha Wilson all died from complications of abortion. Here is a partial list of women who have also died from abortion.

These women’s lives mattered and so did the lives of their babies. To say that abortion is a “safe” procedure because it is legal is not only incorrect but dangerous.

The mainstream media makes women think that abortion is no more serious than going in to get their teeth cleaned at the dentist. Women have died. Some have had irreparable damage to their bodies.
Lives have been changed forever.

5- Childhood Leukemia Risk
Having abortions could also harm your future children. According to a meta-analysis in 2014, there may be an increased risk for childhood leukemia if the mother had an abortion.
The risks for childhood acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia were strongly associated with maternal abortions.

Think Twice
There are many grave health risks involved in having an abortion. It is not simply just a medical procedure.
It is surgery in many cases with very serious health risks and complications. The mainstream media and abortion organizations are not upfront about this.

They try to cover any health risks abortion poses because it would discourage women from seeking abortions if they told the truth.

Abortion also ends the life of the new human person developing inside your body.
Abortion has health risks for the woman and is certainly never healthy, but deadly, for the fetus.
It is my hope in writing this article that anyone considering an abortion will think twice and reflect on the potential health consequences.

If you have had an abortion or been affected by one, you should also know that there is healing through programs such as Rachel’s Vineyard and Silent No More.

Countless people have attended retreats by these organizations and participated in their programs and have found true peace.

“If you or someone you know are pregnant or parent and need help, I have listed a Parenting Board below.”

There is also hope for abortion workers. Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director, runs the organization And Then There Were None to provide financial and emotional support for abortion workers who are feeling trapped and wanting to leave.


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